I see the heart as a bridge to the Soul... And, as we consciously open and purify our Spiritual heart, it becomes easier to live in this world while knowing we are not “of this world...”. It becomes easier to live from our Soul, in concert with our heart. It takes great practice and commitment to live from “Spirit identification,” and though it isn’t always an “easy” way to live, (think practice and devotion to changing your entire thought system from fear to love,) in my experience, it is a way to live in Peace, while helping create a space for others to remember Peace as well...
Mystical Messages from God are always present. Spirit is always speaking to us... And, if we have the eyes to see and ears to hear, we will recognize the gifts and blessings shining through. The messages from Spirit and the synchronicity at play have been especially amazing lately ~ from powerful astrological and natural events, to the “Earthly event” of Valentine’s Day coinciding this year with the beginning of Lent ~ which is calculated based on the “Heavenly events” of the lunar cycle. And, just 2 days later, the Chinese New Year ushering in new beginnings...
Though there are many theories on the origin of Valentine’s Day, it is widely experienced as a celebration of the heart... Lent marks the beginning of the Easter Season; however, the word “lent” does not have its basis in religion. It comes from the old English word “lencten,” meaning Springtime. Easter and the entire Lenten Season are determined by the moon cycle and the Spring equinox. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon that falls on or after the Spring equinox.
What beautiful messages we are being gifted with, if we only pay attention and receive them as they are Divinely sent and inspired... And, if we open our minds, with even a “little willingness” and choose to allow Spirit to re-mind us of who we Truly are, Spirit “here” in, but not limited to our physical form, we shift our thoughts from those of fear to those of Love, naturally creating the space for miracles. A Course in Miracles shares, “Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.”
Not only are there a myriad of synchronistic and awe-inspiring events being shared collectively at this time, but if we are paying attention in our daily lives, there are very personal Divine messages constantly flowing to each of us, re-minding us of our Light and Purpose. This time is an amazing opportunity for us to allow our hearts to be opened and purified, with the Holy Spirit, in order to reveal and reflect this Light, ushering in new life, new love and a shift in consciousness, to Christ Consciousness, helping us remember Who we are, and that we are Truly One Heart...